Title: U Mad? Author: psyco_chick32 Rating: T Genre: AU Comedic Romance Word Count: 521 words Universe: “Kismet”, a “Bitter”-universe offshoot Summary: Miroku has unexpected depths! Sango seethes.
A/N: Whoops! I seem to have gotten a little plot in my story… ^_^;;
Title: U No Can Has Author: psyco_chick32 Rating: T Genre: AU Comedic Romance Word Count: 250 exactly Universe: “Kismet”, a “Bitter”-universe offshoot Summary: The pro-Sango/Miroku teams kicks off Phase 1
Title: I'mma Let You Finish, But... Author: psyco_chick32 Rating: T Genre: AU Comedic Romance Word Count: 849 words Universe: “Kismet”, a “Bitter”-universe offshoot Summary:
Title: Focused Author: psyco_chick32 Rating: PG Genre: Sci-Fi/Introspection Word Count: 250 exactly Summary: She was vicious; she was unattainable. And she was more focused than he'd ever be.
Title: O RLY? Author: psyco_chick32 Rating: PG-13 Genre: AU Comedic Romance Word Count: 300 words Universe: “Kismet”, a “Bitter”-universe offshoot Summary: Sango regrets asking for help
Title: Goodbyes Author: psyco_chick32 Rating: M for violent imagery Genre: Horror/Gore Word Count: 435 words Universe: A/U Summary: Miroku stands between Sango and her future
Title: *Headtilt*? Author: psyco_chick32 Rating: PG-13 Genre: AU Comedic Romance Word Count: 250 words Universe: “Kismet”, a “Bitter”-universe offshoot Summary: Sango just can't handle this
Title: I Can Has? Author: psyco_chick32 Rating: PG-13 Genre: AU Comedic Romance Word Count: 447 words Universe: “Kismet”, a “Bitter”-universe offshoot Summary: Sango prepares for her not-a-date